March 14, 2022

4 vaginal wellness products for everyday use 


Hi babes,

After my last post about toxic chemicals in 'feminine care,' a friend asked me what she could use for "the itch they get once a year" instead of anti-itch wipes. I loved this question because we need safe resources and products to run to when we get that itch! If you have a vagina, chances are you've experienced some kind of vaginal discomfort at some point. Unfortunately, three out of four people with vaginas will be affected by a yeast infection in their lifetime, and many people will have more than one yeast infection! I suffered from chronic yeast infections for two years! Luckily, I have found products that are natural, safe, and effective for vaginal irritation, itching, and discomfort. When I say I cannot live without these products, I'm not exaggerating! These products will be your new go-to for any vaginal irritation, discomfort, foul odor, abnormal discharge, or itching! You can use these products for daily maintenance or as needed for addressing vaginal symptoms!

Let's get into it! xx

SALVE by Momotaro Apotheca

What it is: The Salve is a topical balm that assists with balancing vulvar pH and naturally supporting your skin's natural ability to heal itself.

What’s in it: Organic Coconut Oil, Organic Kokum Butter, Organic Beeswax, Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Tea Tree Oil, Organic Jojoba Oil, Goldenseal Leaf, Echinacea, Calendula, Oregon Grape. 

How it will help: Salve will help dryness, itching, and irritation caused by bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, or just life by soothing and cooling the vulvar skin. The Coconut and Jojoba oil base help to protect the skin’s natural moisture barrier. Goldenseal, Echinacea, and Calendula are natural inflammatories that soothe symptoms from yeast and bacterial infections. Tea tree oil is antimicrobial and provides a cooling sensation to your vulva. Oregon Grape and Goldenseal contain berberine which is known for naturally treating yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis.

HOW TO USE IT: The Momotaro Apotheca website suggests, with clean hands, take a pea-size amount and place it around your vulva or affected area. Can be used daily and as regularly as needed! 

MY EXPERIENCE: Salve was my literal salvation from harmful steroid ointments! For two years, I religiously used Triamcinolone Acetonide 0.1% Ointment for contact dermatitis of the vulva. Contact dermatitis of the vulva is vulvar or vaginal burning, irritation, and itching caused by an irritant. An irritant could be anything from your washing detergent, the underwear you wear, or the soap you use. Despite cutting many common irritants out of my hygiene routine, my vulvar skin was still constantly red and irritated. On top of that, the steroid ointment thinned the skin on my vulva and caused deep stretch marks on my inner thighs. A steroid ointment may not have this effect on everyone, but in my case, the long-term use led to this side effect. While using the steroid morning and night, my vulvar skin was still constantly irritated, red, and painful. 

After I stumbled upon Salve, I threw away the steroid ointment! If there was a product that I could not live without, it's Salve. Not only have my vulvar symptoms improved, but my overall quality of life has also significantly improved. When I have vulvar irritation, it is quickly soothed by the calming, organic ingredients of Salve. I have had fewer yeast infections since I bought Salve! 

TONIC by Momotaro Apotheca

What it is: Tonic is a pH-balanced oil that soothes symptoms of discomfort, inflammation, and irritation caused by infection. 

What’s in itOrganic Jojoba Oil, Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil, Cedarwood Virginia Essential Oil, Organic Sweet Orange Essential Oil, Infusion of Goldenseal Leaf, and Oregon Grape. 

How it will help: Similarly to Salve, the Jojoba oil base of Tonic will protect your skin's natural moisture barrier. As a spot treatment, Tonic can address discomfort caused by yeast and bacterial infections, as well as general irritation from sex, clothing, exercise, or just life! Goldenseal, Cedar Wood, and Oregon Grape, as natural inflammatories and yeast killers, help comfort symptoms from yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. After using Tonic your skin will be nourished, softened, and restored!

HOW TO USE IT: The Momotaro Apotheca website suggests, “Add 5 to 10 droppers-full to a clean, warm bath and soak as desired. The Tonic can also be applied topically as a spot treatment for blemishes, ingrown hairs, or applied as a pre, during, and post-shave oil.”

MY EXPERIENCE: I used coconut oil as a vulvar cleanser for about two years. I do not use ‘feminine wash’! I do not believe that ‘feminine wash’ is necessary or safe. Coconut oil has moisturizing and antibacterial properties without any additives or irritants. Coconut oil is pretty messy, so I switched to using tonic on my vulva every morning and night after I shower. The Momotaro Apotheca website says that Tonic can be used anywhere externally on the body. Unlike Salve, it does not say Tonic can be used on the vulva. However, all of the ingredients are vulva safe! My vulva skin is sensitive, and I have not experienced any side effects or irritation when using Tonic. Plus, I have seen an improvement in redness and irritation on my vulva!

Bonus: I am using Tonic in my skincare routine! I have oily skin prone to blackheads, congested pores, and keratin buildup. Living in a desert climate, my skin often produces too much oil to compensate for the dry environment. Tonic’s base, jojoba oil, is similar to the oil our skin produces. So, it is less likely to break out your skin! Tonic also contains tea tree oil which is antimicrobial. Natural antimicrobial properties help to eliminate blemish-causing bacteria feeding off the oil in our pores. I don’t know about you, but I love the idea of fewer zits and more glow! You can also add Tonic to your makeup routine by adding a drop to your foundation. Tonic is great for your scalp if you experience dandruff. As a bonus, you can use Tonic as a split-end treatment! 

The Fighter by Mavocare

What is it: The Fighter by Mavocare - Boric Acid Vaginal Suppository 

What’s in it: 600 mg Boric acid, 20 mg Calendula, Cellulose Capsule

How it will helpBoric acid is a white powder or crystalline solid that has mild antiseptic and antifungal actions. By replenishing normal vaginal acidity and balancing vaginal flora (good bacteria), boric acid helps to relieve burning, itching, and odor. Yeast infections are treated through boric acid due to boric acid's ability to prevent Candida fungi from growing. Candida albicans or Candida glabrata growth is restricted because boric acid interferes with Candida's natural life cycle, preventing it from growing to infectious levels. Candida is naturally found in our bodies at healthy levels. It is when there is an overgrowth of Candida that an infection occurs. Calendula extract is also a natural antifungal ingredient. Boric acid and Calendula work together to recover a healthy vaginal microflora balance. 

MY EXPERIENCE: I struggled with chronic yeast infections and maintaining healthy vaginal pH for two painful years. My gynecologist prescribed I take 200mg of fluconazole every day for two weeks and sometimes even a month! After I made major changes to my diet and started juicing celery every day, I saw significant improvement in my yeast infections. I went rogue from my gynecologist’s care, stopped taking fluconazole, and started using boric acid suppositories for my yeast infections. Previous gynecologists had prescribed to me pharmacy compounded boric acid suppositories for bacterial vaginosis. So, I was familiar with boric acid, and I felt comfortable using suppositories on my own. 

My overall vaginal health now is significantly better than it was two years ago. I use The Fighter now only when I need it. If I’m feeling itchy or irritated during the day, I make a mental note to use a suppository that night. I use the suppository until I no longer feel irritated. I notice this happens often after my period, which is due to hormone changes that can cause Candida to flare up. I also stopped taking birth control in 2020 because of the significant flux of hormones that I believe played into my chronic yeast infections.

Now, I’m an extreme case when it comes to a lot of vaginal/vulvar issues. If you are experiencing out-of-the-ordinary chronic itchiness, irritation, redness, or discharge, please, go to a doctor! I am sharing my experience with yeast infections and what works for me, but boric acid may not work for everyone. I do believe that boric acid is a safe, effective way to manage symptoms of yeast infections because boric acid is known to inhibit the growth of Candida. However, vaginal symptoms like itching, irritation, discharge, redness, and burning can mean a lot of different things. It is important to see a doctor for a correct diagnosis of your symptoms. Boric acid will not help you if you have an STD, but you won’t know that you have an STD until you get tested. Please be smart and trust your intuition about your health! 

How to use itWith clean hands, insert a suppository into your vagina at night. I bought vaginal applicators on Amazon for easy insertion! Leave the suppository overnight and it will naturally dissolve. You may find a small amount of white powder on you when you wake up. To have extra discharge the next day is also common! Here is the link to the applicators on Amazon:

Bonus: Boric acid helps with bacterial vaginosis too!

PROBIOTIC by Momotaro Apotheca

What is it: Probiotic - For Vaginal and Digestive Support By Momotaro Apotheca 

What’s in it: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus crispatus, Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus gasseri, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus brevis, and Bifidobacterium longum.

How does it work: In the Momotaro Apotheca Probiotic there are, "25 billion active cultures and 10 strains of beneficial bacteria that help restore balance in the vaginal microbiome while regulating digestion and supporting gut-immune health."

How to use it: Momotaro Apotheca recommends, 1 supplement per day, every day! To enhance good bacteria growth, they recommend taking the capsule with a meal or within 30 minutes of eating. Being consistent with what time you take the capsule is important for building a routine. 

MY EXPERIENCE:  Just like our body, our vagina has naturally occurring good and bad bacteria! The Lactobacillus species is a good bacteria known as probiotics! Lactobacillus is found in our gut, urinary tract, and vagina. This good bacteria, Lactobacillus, can help the body break down food, absorb nutrients, and fight off 'bad' organisms. Having the right amount of good bacteria keeps the bad bacteria in check by taking up space and their potential resources. The problem is when the bad bacteria outgrow the good bacteria. Vaginal imbalances can occur from douching, bath products, soaps/washes, sex without condoms, sex with new partners, or just sex in general. When there are more bad bacteria in your vagina than good, you can experience itching, redness, irritation, discharge, foul odor, or pain during sex.

A probiotic targets this underlining issue of vaginal symptoms caused by the microbiome imbalance. The result of taking probiotics is that good bacteria will be added to your gut, urinary tract, and vagina microflora. I started taking probiotic capsules four years ago when I first started to experience vaginal discomfort. Over the years, I have switched brands of probiotics depending on what was quickly available to me or what I could afford. The Momotaro Apotheca Probiotic is the probiotic I am currently taking and I have noticed a difference in my digestion due to the ten gut probiotic strains. We love less bloating! 

PRO TIP: If you take antibiotics for any infection (can be vaginal or nonvaginal), please take a probiotic with the antibiotic! Antibiotics kill the good and bad bacteria in your gut and vagina. You want to ensure that the bacteria growing back is the good kind. Yeast infections are common after a round of antibiotics because the good bacteria keep yeast that is naturally found in the vagina in check! Without any good or bad bacteria there, Candida overgrows and you're left with a lovely yeast infection - Take it from a friend, you don't want that! <3

I know you will love these products! Please let me know if you have any questions! XOXO - Rach




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